Tuesday 26 November 2013

Project 6 - Integrated Project : Design & Build "An Amphitheatre Stage"

This is the toughest studio project among all. In this project, we were divided into groups of 16 and I am in the Group 5. There are seven disciplines in each and every group. My group leader is Amalin, majoring in architecture. For this project, we were required to design an open air amphitheatre with 100 seats. The site is located just beside E08 building.

For this project, we were required to present our idea and design in terms of A1 board presentation drawings and a 1:10 scaled real model. Besides, we have to prepare various reports - weekly progress report, costing report and also final report. For QS, we prepared the budget and also three costing reports - preliminary model estimation, actual model costing & cost difference and elementary model costing. So, Haq and I discussed on the materials used and also estimated the cost by surveying the price in the market.

For the design part, our team designed the stage with a theme of garden. We used green roof as our main point of our design. After spending almost a week of sleepless nights, we came up with these presentation drawings.

After completed Project 6A & 6B, we had to build the real model according to the scale of 1:10. Also, we spent almost two weeks of sleepless nights to build up our model. Throughout the project, we really had a tough time. It was such a challenging to us. But, with the cooperation given by the group members, we successfully overcame the toughest time.

Model with members of Group 5

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